Friday, March 03, 2006

A Wedding Bee in my bonnet

Alright, girls...I'm in love--TLF (true love forever) type of love. Wedding Bee, a fantabulous new NYC wedding blog is the current recipient of all of my affections.

Launched by a a lovely, sassy chick named Bee, this blog is chock full of wonderful suggestions, endless useful tips, beautiful photos and some of the best all around wedding planning advice I've come across. It is NYC based, but I don't care where you are getting married--there are loads of things there for any bride-to-be, wherever you may live.

Bee has a group of other fab brides-to-be who blog along with her, and each has her own style and point of view, making the blog even more fun to read. Best of all, these girls are truly busy as bees (pun intended) with loads of updates each and every day. They seriously put chumps like me to shame.

My advice: run don't walk straight over to Wedding Bee right now. (And once you decide you love it as much as I do, add them to your bloglines account).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

we love you too!!!!!!

2:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm fast becoming a fan of the Wedding Bee. I'm an "old" married guy who own a couple of wedding companies in Myrtle Beach, and I love her with and writing style, and approach to the universe of wedding blogs.

11:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's learn to preview before publishing! Rewritten: I'm an "old" (59) married guy who ownS a couple of wedding companies in Myrtle Beach, and I love her WIT and writing style, and approach to the universe of wedding blogs. (Good Lord)

11:54 PM  

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