Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Cheap Votives

Make up is great, girdles are fine, but there is nothing that makes me look more beautiful than plain ole candlelight.

Candles create a feeling of warmth and intimacy that, in my humble bridalicious opinion, really can't be beat. And what more could you want at a wedding? Loads of candles *really* make a statement. The snag is, they can be pricey.

We've searched far and we've searched wide and it seems like the best deal to be found on the net is at Cudge.

I'm not real clear on what "cudge" means, but for $34.77 for 72 white votive candles and glass holders, I don't really give a rat's ass. They also have some other very inexpensive favor packaging options.

Cudge rocks!


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